"Cleber Group, one of the biggest automobile groups in Mexico, unified all of its processes and procedures in the migration of its various DMS to a single QUITER AUTOWEB"
IT Manager
CLEBER represents 9 car brands and is present in 4 states of the Mexican Republic, operating 35 agencies for new cards, 7 garages for lamination and painting and 1 agency for semi-new certified cars. To date, CLEBER has sold more than100,000 new cars, positioning itself as one of the largest automobile dealership groups in Mexico
What made you decide to install Quiter Auto Web?
Afterreviewing deeply several DMS options in Mexico we decided to Quiter AutoWebbecause of his studirness and experience of the product allowing globaladministration of the several dealer we manage.
Is the system easy touse? What would you highlight about Quiter AutoWeb?
In general, we can say that the learning curve for thecontrol of QAW is short, but the efforts for managing the introduction of thesystem for its operation should not be spared. Both the design of the QAW andthe consultancy and implementation team at Quiter are thought out with the ideato enable an efficient transition and free of difficulties, but it isimportantto highlight that the work of the dealer is a key factor in this process. If weconsider the abilities of the system to be the same as withprocesses andqualified personnel on behalf of the dealer, the end result is a rather capableproductive tool.
What are the most important differences that have beennoticed with the change over to Quiter?
We are seeing an improvement in the integration ofinformation in the different departments that form a dealership. This improvedintegration equates to more efficient flows and processes andeventually to abetter service for clients. We are also seeing a greatertransparency in theaccounting information available, which allows more timely efforts in costreductions and in increasing our productivity.
How has Quiter contributed to the management of thedealership?
Quiter AutoWeb has been one of the three pillarsonwhich we base our operational strategy:
1. People with experience and a good approach toservice
2. Speedier processes that allow a fast, qualityservice for our clients
3. Information tools that enable the management andcommunication with clients and between departments.
In addition to it being the third pillar, Quiter, withits consultants, has helped us to find areas of improvement, both in ourprocesses and for our personnel. In addition to it being the third pillar,Quiter, with its consultants, has helped us to find areas of improvement, bothin our processes and for our personnel.
What are the areas in which your processes haveimproved with the use of Quiter AutoWeb?
We are seeing improvements in practically all of thedepartments: Service, drafting, sales, and above all, in accounting. Theaccounting department is a reflection of the discipline and integration betweenthe departments and the extent to which they work together and execute theirprocesses correctly, accounting is recorded in a fast and truthful manner.
What has the adaptation been like on behalf of thepersonnel of your dealership with the change in system?
Before changing over to Quiter, we knew that the changewould be difficult. We had more than 15 years working with the same systempreviously, and the processes were very deeply rooted in this system. Ourexpectations were that the change would be complex and chaotic. What we found,however, was a very simple changeover. It is true that for the first few dayswe had a lot of calls for support, these were very simple questions and theinvoicing was not interrupted at any time. In fact, the first month ofoperation with Quiter coincided with one of the months with the highest sales recordedfor the group. Despite this, the group was capable of sustaining the workloadwithout affecting the sales performance.
What do you think about the training of the Quiterpersonnel throughout the implementation?
The training wasoffered in a very organised way, making sure that the running of the differentdepartments were not affecting. The collaboration between Quiter and the HumanResources department was key in achieving a good coordination between staff.Another key factor during the training was the use of a default server in linewith the needs of the group and in line with the reality that we would faceupon the set-up of operations. It is important to recognise that thetraining is fundamental for the successful set-up, and in our case, that iswhat we achieved.
If you would like to request a demo or to make any enquiries, send us your details completely obligation free and we will contact you shortly.